Rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose

Nasal tip rhinoplasty involves improving the shape and / or eliminating defects in the tip of the nose. Depending on the anatomical features and the desired result, surgery may require treatment of cartilage, soft tissue and columella.

before and after rhinoplasty

Thanks to rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose, you can change:

  • The thickness of the area above the tip of the nose
  • Peak extension (distance from face)
  • Projection of the tip (angle between the upper lip and the tip of the nose)
  • Position of the nasal septum

Nose tip surgery is much more complicated than it may seem at first glance. The surgeon must plan his actions very accurately - otherwise the result may be directly contrary to expectations.

The bone and cartilage structure of the tip of the nose has a significant impact on its appearance. An unsuccessful intervention can lead to a distortion not only of the shape of the tip, but also of the shape of the entire nose.

How is rhinoplasty performed?

The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia and lasts from 1 to 2-3 hours. It's hard to single out any typical moment in nose tip plastic surgery - almost every operation is unique in its own way.

The same tasks that the surgeon faces in different cases will be solved differently - based on the anatomical structure of the nose, the thickness and shape of the cartilage, the strength of the tissue and other individual characteristics of the patient.

The process of preparation and recovery after surgery is not much different from conventional rhinoplasty. It is necessary to give up smoking in advance and a variety of drugs that affect blood clotting and suture healing, as well as undergo a medical examination to identify possible contraindications.

Swelling, bruising, and pain may occur in the first few days after rhinoplasty. Recovery after surgery lasts about 1-2 weeks, after which it is advisable to protect the nose from physical impacts and high blood pressure for another 2-3 weeks (in particular, limit sports).

How much does rhinoplasty cost

Prices for surgery depend on the nature of the changes, the doctor's qualifications and the prestige of the clinic, as well as a number of other factors.